Operator - Qena governorate
- Qena is one of the Upper Egypt’s governorates, it is located 640 km away from Cairo, and extends 240 km east and west of the river Nile, with a population estimated by 2.7 million.
- It is ranked first for sugar cane, tomatoes, bananas, sesame and hibiscus production.
- The governorate has four sugar factories as well as one spinning and weaving factory, in addition to the aluminum complex considered as the biggest industrial citadel in the Middle East.
- The governorate also includes three industrial parks: Qeft on a surface area of 2 499 000м2, Nagaa Hamady on a surface area of 2 671 200м2 and Qena Small Industries Complex on a surface area of 210 000 м2.
- The governorate has several tourist sites and Pharaoh Monuments.